Alina's Alliance

Alina's Alliance


A Glen calls to the Queen of the Forest Light Fae.

Alina, the Queen of the Forest Light Fae, discovers one of her Nobility's Glen is attacked and hurries to assist. Upon arrival, it is discovered that a Dark Fae is attacking Nobility, killing them, stealing, and leaving destruction in his wake. It appears to be a random attack. But when the powerful Dark Fae shows up in the magical forest of a powerful witch, even she is not powerful enough to cast him from the forest.

Alina arrives in the forest, disguised and prepared to do what she must to take down this powerful foe and keep the forest safe, she meets a Fae who is not all what he first appears to be. Together they discover there is so much more going on than they first thought. And when the Dark Fae brings in a hapless human, Alina must change her plans to destroy the powerful Dark Fae so she can keep the human safe. Can Alina figure out how to save the human, save the forest, and defeat the Dark Fae while guarding her heart?

Join Alina and see her point of view as she embarks on an adventure in the magical forest and Glen. And reconnect with the exciting characters from Katie's Kottage!

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