Katie's Konundrum

Katie's Konundrum


The Glen is supposed to be a safe place, right?

When Katie last visited the Dark Fae lands, she was nearly kidnapped and forced to stay. Not only did she escape, but she orchestrated a jailbreak in the dungeons, freeing its prisoners, and bringing them to her Glen. As they integrate and get acquainted with her people, she realizes her duties as Queen are even more complicated than before. Behind the magical curve, she knows she must increase her skills, so she trains in the ways of magic. But when the Dark Fae bring war to her Glen, even she is unsure if she's learned enough. Undeterred, Katie charges in like the warrior she is, even as the Dark Fae alter her course for their own dark purposes. Facing an onslaught of dark magic, Katie falters, succumbs to the dark magic, and ends up in the Dark Fae lands once again. She then puts a plan into motion that will destroy her Glen and the people she cares for the most.

But her friends aren't giving up that easily and work their own plan to bring her home. As Katie reconnects with her people and the Glen, she discovers she is much more than originally believed. And now, facing the threat from the Dark Fae intent on destroying her, Katie must rely on her new power. Will Katie be able to defeat the Dark Fae King, defeat the new foe they bring, and keep everyone she loves safe?

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